The Umbraco Developer Unconference

Apply for 2024

An Umbraco Event Like No Other

CODECABIN is the premier, invite-only weekend away for Umbraco developers, providing time to code, learn and network in a completely relaxed and open environment away from the hustle and bustle of every day life.

20 Developers

We invite a mix of 20 Umbraco developers from a range of different backgrounds and skill levels, from back end to front end, and beginner to guru.

3 Nights

We provide an all inclusive weekend break away in a private location somewhere in the UK countryside.

1 Unique Experience

What happens next is totally decided by the attendees, but whatever does happen, it's guaranteed to be unique.


Whether it's that side project you've been promising yourself you'll get around to, or that killer package you've never had the time to finish, CODECABIN gives you the time and distraction free environment to really focus and get the code flowing.


With 20 Umbraco developers on hand, all with different experiences and know how, CODECABIN offers a unique environment in which to share with and learn from other like minded individuals.

It's just not possible to come away without having learnt something new.


With all attendees sharing the same living quarters for the entire weekend, CODECABIN really lets everyone get to know each other in ways just not possible at regular conferences, creating much more meaningful and longer lasting business and personal relationships.


The next CODECABIN event is coming soon, are you?

The Venue

CODECABIN 2024 will be held at the stunning Cattle Shed at Grindleford in the Peak District.

The Date

The 2024 CODECABIN event will take place on the weekend of Friday 20th September 2024 until Monday 23rd September 2024.

The Price

The ticket price for CODECABIN 2024 will be £375 + VAT, with spaces limited to 20 attendees only.

Apply Now

Because of the limited number of spaces at CODECABIN, attendees must apply for a place by telling us a bit about themselves and why they'd make a good fit. Deadline for applications is Thursday 11th July 2024, the final attendee list will then be hand chosen by the organisers with invites being sent out shortly afterwards.

If you'd like to be considered to attend CODECABIN 2024, then what are you waiting for?

Apply Now